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Lupus panniculitis.

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Lupus panniculitis LP is a benign entity. To our knowledge LP has not been reported in the radiology literature. Our objective is to describe imaging findings as previous articles have not focused on this aspect. Computed Tomography and MR imaging demonstrate lipoatrophy and isolated areas with inflammatory activity in the subcutaneous tissue.

Characterization of gold mineralizations of Cuba by means of scanning electron microscopy with X-ray analyzer and con focal Raman microscopy. The technology selection for gold ore processing requires the characterization, not only of the gold carrier minerals but also its associations, so it is necessary to find out the mineral nature, morphology, particle size, purity and gold concentration, other factors to consider are liberation grade, minerals in association, surface accessibility and form to present themselves.

In this research it is exposed the utilization of the optical and electron microscopy, with Raman and X ray micro analyzers, in order to obtain useful information about different gold mineralization of the country, including those of Delita, Meloneras-Descanso, Oro Jacinto and Oro Barita. It describes how the scanning electron microscopy with x-ray analyzer allowed the study of gold particles from nanometer order, determining its size, morphology, surface condition and purity.

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It was also observed variability in the degree of release of the gold particles. Moreover Raman con focal microscope allowed analyzes minerals micrometric volumes under study, particularly rock-forming. Being a structural technique, it was possible to identify minerals without causing damage to the samples, which usually is not achieved with other techniques.

Full Text Available Los pólenes inciden sobre las mucosas provocando sensibilización alérgica, sin embargo, en Cuba son insuficientes los estudios sobre estos alergenos. Con el objetivo de conocer el comportamiento de Ambrosía psilostachya, Amaranthus leucocarpus, Helianthus annuus, Rumex acetosella, Lolium perenne, Cupressus lindley y Cocos nucifera, se realizó un estudio observacional analítico en el Servicio de Alergia del policlínico Previsora, Camagüey. Tampoco se detectaron diferencias significativas. Los pólenes constituyeron una causa importante de sensibilización alérgica.

Las Haloragaceae de Cuba. The presence of Proserpinaca palustris, P. Myriophyllum laxum and M.

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Se confirma la existencia de Proserpinaca palustris, P. Myriophyllum laxum y M, pinnatum, y se plantea la posible extinción de M. An Island Called Cuba. Ruth Behar, photographs by Humberto Mayol. Julia E. New York: Oxford University Press, While from Ramonet and Sweig we learn much about the revolutionary project, Behar and Mayol convey the lived experience of the small Jewish community against that backdrop.

Lupus anticoagulants and antiphospholipid antibodies. Blood clots - lupus anticoagulants; DVT - anticoagulants Most often, lupus anticoagulants and aPL are found in people with diseases such as systemic lupus erythematosus SLE. Lupus anticoagulants and Historia del Lupus. Where Does Cuba Stand? Cristlano de Cuba , Miami, June 4, , pp. Living with Lupus. Lupus Foundation of America. Escenarios relacionados con la intrusión marina. La Habana — Cuba Escenarios relacionados con la intrusión marina. La Habana — Cuba. Full Text Available Sea water intrusion is the process by which the sea water in an aquifer displaces the sweet water as consequence of a sensitive reduction of the hydraulic head, either for natural actions or for anthropic activity Sea water intrusion takes place in the coastal aquifers mainly independently to the predominant lithology.

In this work the scenario analysis is approached by studying the effects that sea water intrusion in dry years would produce to the supply of underground water to the City of Havana and Havana Province, when there would be high exploitation of the aquifers without maintenance of recharge works such as in South Dike. There would be a cartography of the scenario in danger to show the presage of the penetration expressed in the longitude of the marine intrusion wedge, taking as contour conditions the variable that may be unfavorable for their temporal variation, such as precipitation and depression.

The thickness of the sheet of sweet water is considered constant. La intrusión marina tiene lugar principalmente en los acuíferos costeros independientemente a la litología predominante.

Se cartografía el escenario de peligro que muestra el pronóstico de la penetración expresada en longitud de la cuña de intrusión marina tomando como condiciones de contorno las variables que pueden ser desfavorables por su variación temporal, tales como la precipitación, explotación y abatimiento. Jan 5, But working together with groups of farmers, a team of young plant breeders is turning things around.

One method the researchers used to introduce farmers to new or unknown varieties or lines was the Lupus among Asians and Hispanics. Submit What's this? Signs and Symptom of Lupus Lupus can affect people of all ages.

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Diet and Nutrition With Lupus. Living with Lupus For Parents. About Lupus A healthy immune system produces proteins called antibodies Storm Warnings for Cuba. Services: Telephone: ; Fax: ; Internet : order rand. Facetas de la interacción con los animales en Cuba durante el siglo XIX: los bueyes en la plantación esclavista y la Sociedad Protectora de Animales y Plantas.

En este artículo se abordan dos ejemplos del siglo XIX que ponen de relieve la necesidad d Full Text Available En Cuba aprobó una nueva política económica con el objetivo de relanzar su economía sin comprometer los principales logros sociales asociados a su modelo socialista. La apuesta es lo suficientemente ambiciosa como para generar dudas sobre la posibilidad real de instrumentar con éxito una transformación socioeconómica de tales dimensiones.


El artículo analiza las relaciones de Cuba y los países del CARICOM en el contexto de la cambiante realidad cubana actual y examina las posibles modificaciones que esta relación podría experimentar en un futuro próximo como consecuencia de la actualización económica cubana. Estrategia intersectorial y participativa con enfoque de ecosalud para la prevención de la transmisión de dengue en el nivel local An inter-sector participatory strategy in Cuba using an ecosystem approach to prevent dengue transmission at the local level.

Para el desarrollo de este trabajo se utilizó la metodología de investigación acción participativa. Como resultado del proceso se pudo describir una estrategia que garantiza la participación activa de la comunidad, los sectores y el gobierno en la producción de ecosistemas saludables, se desarrollaron acciones de prevención y control oportunas e integrados que disminuyeron los riesgos para la proliferación del vector y la transmisión local de la enfermedad. Cuba is located among a group of countries with high dengue incidence. Following several epidemics in the last 10 years, the country designed, implemented, and evaluated a participatory strategy based on the Ecohealth approach.

The aim was to promote inter-sector ecosystem management to decrease Aedes aegypti infestation and prevent dengue transmission in the municipality of Cotorro, in Havana city. The study adopted a participatory research methodology. The strategy ensured active participation by the community, diverse sectors, and government in the production of healthy ecosystems. Timely and integrated measures for prevention and control were developed, thereby decreasing the risk of vector proliferation and local dengue transmission.

The approach allowed holistic problem analysis, priority setting, and.

Incidencia no conocida

Intelectualidad criolla y nación en Cuba. Full Text Available RESUMEN: En este artículo se analizan las interacciones entre las posiciones intelectuales de los autonomistas cubanos y su idea de la nacionalidad, y la utilización que de la "raza" hicieron los científicos criollos. En una primera parte, se estudian los debates en torno a los pobladores "ideales" con los que constituir una nación moderna y "civilizada", que alejara de Cuba el fantasma de la "africanización". Una publicación al servicio de una ciencia criolla, en la que se expuso el concepto de nacionalidad y el proyecto político de los autonomistas, compartido por la mayoría de los científicos cubanos.

Palabras Clave: Cuba , ciencia criolla, autonomismo, intelectuales, nacionalidad. ABSTRACT: This article analyzes the interactions between the Cuban Autonomists, their intellectual positions and their ideas about "nationality", and the use of the concept of "race" made by the Criollo scientists.

The first part studies debates on the "ideal" settlers for the forming of a modern and "civilized" nation, which would remove the spectre of "Africanization" from Cuba. The second part of this work is focused on the analysis of the most important cultural review of the time, the Revista de Cuba It was in this publi- cation —which acted as the voice of Criollo science— that the concept of nationality and the political project of the Autonomists, which was shared by most of the Cuban scientists, was expressed.

Cuba , specifically post-Castro Cuba , could very well trigger the next unanticipated crisis even though the writing is on the El final del Trotskismo organizado en Cuba. I El tema del trotskismo en Cuba es una de las asignaturas pendientes en nuestra historiografía.

Cada día que transcurre se presenta como una injustificable omisión para las ciencias sociales del país. Por casi cinco décadas no se habló de este en las publicaci Embarazo y lupus eritematoso sistémico. Full Text Available El lupus eritematoso sistémico es una enfermedad autoinmune y sistémica, que se presenta con frecuencia en mujeres jóvenes y por tanto en su etapa reproductiva; se asocia a un alto riesgo de morbilidad y mortalidad perinatal.

Con un correcto asesoramiento preconcepcional y un adecuado seguimiento durante el embarazo y el puerperio, se puede encarar con una gran probabilidad de éxito la maternidad en estas pacientes.

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Systemic lupus erythematosus is an autoimmune and systemic disease that appears frequently in young women and, therefore, during the reproductive stage. It is associated with a high risk of morbidity and perinatal mortality. The most common complications are abortions, fetal death, prematurity, retarded intrauterine growth and neonatal lupus. The potentially harmful antibodies for gestation are the antiphospholipids lupus anticoagulant and anticardiolipins and anti-Ro and anti-La. With a correct preconceptional counselling and an adequate follow-up during pregnancy and puerperium, maternity may be faced with great probabilities of success in these patients.

Estudio de la resistencia de penetración de un suelo Vertisol con el uso del penetrómetro de impacto en la localidad de "Antonio Maceo". Cuba : Issues for the th Congress. Another three agencies had their. La LE es una enfermedad autoinmune heterogénea y multisistémica caracterizada por la producción de anticuerpos que combaten su propio cuerpo en lugar de antígenos que luchan.

Peat resources in Cuba. During the last few years the drastic cut in oil supply provoked a critical situation in Cuba. The shortage of domestic oil production and the absence of alternative energy sources, such as wide rivers and coal deposits, drove us to decide that the most promising option was to develop our huge peat deposits.

However, there are problems concerning skills and finance. This report reviews the potential for peat development to date in the Cuban territory. The figures and characteristics are partly taken from the surveys done by the Russian and Cuban specialists during the 60's. There is some new data compiled from the work done more recently in some of the Cuban peat deposits. The conditions for draining and harvesting are very challenging and difficult if the peat deposits are to be developed without doing any unnecessary damage to the fragile environment of Cuban wetlands.

However, if the required financing and skills are available, the work can be carried out and significant risks avoided.